Friday, April 25, 2008

Having fun working on different projects. The IA for each is completely different.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Good night y'all, time for some sleep (again) big meeting in the morning!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Productivity Comes to OUTLOOK! How do I know? Check it ou!

Hey peeps and tweeps!

So, for the new job I've got to use some Windoze PC stuff, mainly because the folks at the office (a) have PCs, (b) use Visio as their wireframing tool, and (c) Omnigraffle Pro 5 translates the Visio stuff fine, but doesn't put it into a decent format going the other way.

Being that I was stuck in the environment with Outlook I got frustrated because Outlook as many of you know has NO threading or anything of the like. Being an avid GMail and Apple Mail user for several years now, I couldn't imagine life without it.

Anyway... thankfully while I was whining about my situation, one of my new work buddies told me about this FANTASTIC new Outlook plugin!

Xobni outlook add-in for your inbox

Xobni is still in private beta, but you can request an invite just by using the badge above. Dude - you will SO love it! Check it out now, and by requesting to be in the beta using the badge above, you help me get in the beta too! (I've been drooling all day so get me in before there's a big puddle, could you?)

Thanks peeps. Really, this thing is HOT!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

If you have a kid in school, you want to read this

A great video done at a university about education. If you have a child in school at any age, it applies.

q-bits, photons, Cooper pairs, radio frequency. Shnikies.
Just got a call from someone I didn't know. They told me they just hit my wife's van. Nice.
1. I love my job. 2. I'm DAMN good at it, which makes the fact that I love it even better!
Can I say two things without sounding too obnoxious?
Working on inbox 200. Yes, it is that bad.
Catching up on my following back everyone, sending email to my 93 yo mom and WORK.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Shnikies watching a video in the virtual machine beat the CRAP out of my processor. MacBook sounded like a jet!
So weird. Using Digsby and clicking on links keeps me in Windoze - now I need to be careful AND have antivirus running.
Damn @Digsby I want a Mac version. Faster! PLEASE!
I think I'm going to switch to windows just so I can use Digsby all the time.
Done making @ShanZan's special dessert and coffee. Now time to sit down and watch Idol Extra :) Bye Kristy Lee!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Time for this PhillyMac to hit the sack! Night tweeps, phritters, pownceites and bookies! Peace.
Great news! He's doing the podiobook of the next book in the series - The Two Travelers. It ROCKS.
Listening to JC Hutchins interview Mark Jeffrey author of Pocket & the Pendant
I've now "read" four of the Jane Austen books. P&P, Emma, Persuasion and NA
Favorites in order. Pride & Prejudice, Persuasion, Emma. Northanger Abby SUCKED. Sorry Jane.
OK. It's 65 in Cleveland and 43 in Boston. What's wrong with that.
Just watched the Devil Wears Prada on my iPhone. OK, well on the trip home. iPhone battery did pretty well.
First message frpm iPhone with
Scoping out It's not Digsby but hmmmm, lots of ways to hit many places at once!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

PhillyMac talking with Victor from Typical Mac User

Doing the podcast interview with Victor Cajiao for the MacNation. Listening this time.

PS According to my 12 year old - I look a little rough in this picture. Thanks sweetie.