Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Well - I never said I would blog this regularly. So, I haven't.

In short - yesterday on a scale of 1 to 10 owed me points. It sucked, plain and simple. One of those days when you easily enter into the realm of despair. Having said that - even when in a dark night of the soul - I still have hope. I know some people that are Christians think that you shouldn't be able to go there if you're "saved." Horse hockey. Last I remember Jesus had a pretty bad night too.

And, speaking of that, by acknowledging that I was having a bad day I am NOT speaking negatively. I am not speaking that into existence. Damn fool name and claim it positive thinking crap. Sure, I am a positive thinker. I'm even a positive believer. And, I'm sure that with the force that created the universe behind me I can make it through and do anything! But I repeat - because I'm not just ignoring the situation, because I acknowledged the type of day it was - it is not a negative confession.

Sorry - didn't mean to go there, but I guess it happens.

So anyway, yesterday sucked. Is everything that was an issue yesterday perfect today? No. But today doesn't suck and for lots of reasons.

Speaking of yesterday. Getting home, wiped out as I was, was still a great event. I walk in the door and Chloe just comes screaming (literally) around the corner "daaaaddddyyyy!!!!" Then proceded to make me play with her and give her airplane rides, with my special twist :-) The airplane hits turbulance and I throw her over my head onto the couch and tickle her into submission :-)

It's always great seeing the chicks. Some days they can be loud, some days they can annoy me - especially when they're just whatever - but on all days they make me smile. Including - and specifically my biggest girl... my wife Shanna. She is the one that can bring the biggest smile and also drive me the most nuts ;)

Well. I made it through the day anyway. Really. Dark night of the soul. But I still made it. Chances are you will too. Lots of faith, lots of love and lots of grace. It really works :)

See ya.

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