Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My Geek Life -Part 2

So, I finally got to a keyboard. I probably would have posted more from my phone, but to be honest it takes forever to even type a sentence! It makes me long for a Treo 650 of my own to have. But, not really. I actually want something that's a hybrid of my phone and the functionality it has (so a very limited OS) and a full keyboard. Maybe that's more like a Sidekick or something?

Anyway, that's a topic for a different post.

So, I was in the "can" at church Sunday morning having arrived well before the time that we needed to be there for our sound check (for those of you not really familiar with me or the blog, both my wife and I are in the band at church) and, lo and behold I had to use the potty :-) Anyway. I'm sitting there on the throne I've got my iPod in my ears listening to some worship tunes getting ready for service and I'm reading my e-mail (read: Gmail) on my cell phone. I'm thinking, how geeky is this? Sure, the church has a wifi network and I could be using my PowerBook if I was out somewhere in the rest of the building, but I was in the bathroom for goodness sake!

So, there it is. I'm a connection geek. Electronics in my ears, checking e-mail on the phone WHILE I'm in the can at the church. Lord help me!

More to come!

1 comment:

CyberGal said...

No, this is normal logical behavior in our day. I knew I had crossed the line, when, like you, I was on the throne with hands-free cell phone and earpiece, listening to messages AND reading print mail! Very sad our lives are so crowded that even the throne is just another moble locale for office work.